Welcome to the RumpTube Videotube
RumpTube Videotube Community Portal

The RumpBook Videotube Community Portal is now online. The RumpBook launched 2009 March 9th. There, you will find a constant source of information about the activities of contributors powering the RumpBook Project. Learn about RumpTube Events worldwide, and see if there is a RumpBook User Group nearby.

Donald S Rump used to visit Brazil for Rump Shake

The famous and for a long time desirabled RumpBook Videotube finally launched. Join the RumpTube Videotube. Now You can Pimp Your Rump Show Your Rump Show Your Support Show Your Opposition! FantaFanta. Happy Rump Year!


Join RumpBook Videotube is easy. Pimp Your Rump Video / Image and send it to RumpBook with or without Description. Greate an account to manage your own Rump Gallery or just send your pimped Rump video / image ingognito. Use your name pseudonym no name we dont ask. If You dont want to create an account send your image / message to Mr. Donald S Rump email. Copy donaldsrump - @ - gmail.com or rumpbook - @ - gmail.com and You know what to erase from Donalds email address. Do not hesitate to send your message and image.

Tell Us, please let us know the following Detail: My Rump goes for ..... or, I pimp my Rump for .....  

With funny Thumb up or down You show your Mind. YES or NO

RumpBook accepts .jpg .gif .png images and Flash presentations as well as videos. Max width of image flash video is 640px. Height is up to Your Image.

Create an account or send your Rump image nameless. Mr. Donald S Rump email. Copy donaldsrump - @ - gmail.com or rumpbook - @ - gmail.com and You know what to erase from Donalds email address. Do not hesitate to send your message and image.


Santa Claus supports RumpBook. Please come back and enjoy the most embarrassing RumpBook

Pimp Your Rump Video for Vladimir Putin Madonna Hillary Bill Clinton Barack Obama Osama bin Laden George W Bush Michael Jackson Lenin Madoff Eminem Jesus Pope Papa Kennedy boobsforbarack Donald Duck Boobs Soviet Union USA Afghanistan Russia Lolita Paris Hilton Snoop Dogg Snowman Somali Pirates Alexander Stubb....By the way who is Alexander Stubb? Anyhow pimp your Rump for him / her You love / hate or just know by the Name. This is Your RumpTube!

Cheap Jelly Rump Company at your Service.

Rumptube political PopPorn Art Project since 2009.


The RumpTube team has millions of good reasons to be smiling about the RumpTube Videotuve. In its current incarnation, it's had millions of users, taking it to an unprecedented level of popularity.

Send a video to Rumptube Videotube!


Feel Free to upload as many Rump videos and images as You like show to the World. Now You can Pimp Your Rump Show Your Rump Show Your Support Show Your Opposition! FantaFanta. Happy Rump Year!

Some People don't give a Shit about Art. But some people do. The main thing is that Art can be as mind-blowing whether the Work of Art is Art or not.
RumpTube Political PopPorn Art Project since 2009
Copyright © 2009 RumpTube Rumpbook Rumpboard Pimp Your Rump Show Your Rump Show Your Support Show Your Opposition. All Rights Reserved.
RumpBook is Free Rump Image Tube released under the RumpBook License.

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